

Montserrat Soto

Born in Barcelona in 1961, since the beginning of her career Montserrat Soto has focused on the use of photography as a starting point for the exploration of space as a receiver and transmitter of emotions. She is an artist whose work is intimately related to human experience through absence, traces and vestiges.

She studied at Escola Massana in Barcelona and at the École des Beaux-Arts in Grenoble and she weaves her discourse around four elements: space, time, light and the void. Four pillars which, expressed through the language of photography, video or the digital processing of the image, would be the ones that grouped her artistic output around the creation of series conceived to confront the spectator with the experience of reality and through the prolongation of spaces, panoramic images, lintels, labyrinths or mirages.

Creator of a vast universe determined by the laws of a nature as decisive for the order of our planet as it is threatened by man’s destructive action, Soto is an artist who, alongside this work with its evidently lyrical character, devotes much of her energy to studying and developing themes relating to memory and the act of creation.

Frederic Montornès


Montserrat SotoMontserrat SotoMontserrat SotoMontserrat Soto
Montserrat SotoMontserrat Soto Montserrat Soto Montserrat Soto
Montserrat Soto


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